The Mountain Children’s Foundation (MCF), founded by Aditi Ji, is dedicated to transforming mountain communities in India by empowering children to become agents of change. At the heart of MCF’s mission is the belief that children, when given the right tools and knowledge, can advocate for their rights and effect significant change within their communities.
Through various educational programs, children learn about their rights under acts such as the Right to Information Act 2005, the Juvenile Justice Act, and the Right to Education Act, as well as understanding their responsibilities.
MCF enables children to form Bal Sangathans, or children’s groups, which serve as platforms for collective action and advocacy. These groups provide an enabling environment for children to voice their opinions and learn about crucial issues like child rights, gender equity, health and sanitation, natural resource management, and disaster preparedness.
By empowering young minds, MCF is creating a ripple effect of positive change, where children grow up to be informed, responsible, and proactive members of their communities. This holistic approach ensures sustainable development and a brighter future for the mountain regions of India.
The Mountain Children’s Foundation (MCF) was founded by Aditi P Kaur in 2002 with a mission to empower children in rural mountain communities. By providing knowledge, training, and fostering collective action, MCF helps young people address challenges in their communities. It’s nothing less than a revolution in how mountain communities perceive themselves and tackle problems.