Avani’s Path to Rural Revial

Unemployment remains a pressing global issue, contributing to poverty and social instability. Creating sustainable livelihoods through skill development and local enterprise is essential to uplift communities and address economic disparities.

Avani, founded in 1999 in the Kumaon region of the Indian Himalayas, focuses on sustainable livelihood opportunities. They empower rural communities by reviving traditional crafts, promoting appropriate technology, and implementing farm-based interventions.

Avani began by addressing the lack of electricity in remote villages through a solar program, installing 3,000 solar lights in 25 villages. This initiative helped very poor families access solar lights and sparked their income generation program based on traditional weaving.

Avani’s approach integrates traditional craftsmanship with sustainable practices, providing jobs and fostering economic ecosystems. Their initiatives ensure long-term development and environmental conservation in the region.

About Our Hero

Rashmi Bharti and Rajnish Jain together founded Avani, a non profit organisation, in 1999. Avani is a dynamic community-driven organisation revitalising the Kumaon region of the Indian Himalayas by blending traditional crafts with modern technology and sustainable farming. Through their innovative approach, they’re creating meaningful livelihood opportunities and preserving cultural heritage.


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